Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Music Armageddon

On Nov.22, 2010. be prepared for the Music Armageddon!!
The following albums will be hittin the Streetz..

Kanye West- My beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Nicki Minaj- Pink Friday
Ne-yo- Libra Scale
Justin Bieber- Unplugged Acoustic
Jay-Z- The Hits Collection Vol.1
Lloyd Banks- H.F.M Vol.2
Ke$ha- Cannibal

So who's gonna have the game on lock? I say Kanye & Nicki Minaj gonna kill 'em. The CityStreetz already hit you with a few samples of Kanye's album & we're all excited about it. Jay-Z is gonna make sales on this album by default. Bieber is gonna be next in line & the rest can get in line where they fit in line. Bank's hit us with the V5 Mixtape this past summer & that was pretty tough. Im hopin he'll manage to snatch a few of those sales on Nov.22. I always support the streets cause The CityStreetz gotta eat!!!

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