Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Internet Thuggin & Buggin

One of my beefs with the internet right now is all the murders, killers & ballers who have magically appeared since Facebook & Myspace became popular. I've been patiently watching & waiting to hear about a big murder case that stemmed from internet beef. (Its coming)

Anyhow, I ran across some internet beef unfolding between a so called rapper & some other corny dude.

"You lucky my bitch in the car nigga" LMAO!!! Wow, you knew you had ya girl in the car so why you ride up there? Look at how this just played out? This speaks for 95 percent of people who pop off at the mouth on the internet. I swear people need to stop with all this frontin. Did you see how quick someone could have died over some stupidity? This is exactly how senseless murders begin.

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