Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The City Gift Bag

The Citystreetz is dedicated to entertaining its viewers.
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Thanks for stopping by & as usual I couldnt let you leave without the Gift bag!

Man in the dark
Not exactly sure why someone would spend money on a server to host this but apparently this is their contribution to keepin boredom alive.

Test your reflexes
Think you're quick on the draw. Hit up this site & have your reflexes tested.

Politic for Dummies
If you've never understood how the government "rear-ends" you this is the most simplistic way ever to learn.

Blue Balls
Bored? How about some blue balls? Just pick a ball & follow.

Inspector Gadget on beer
Bet you've never heard it like this!!

Drunk as a squirrel?
This couple comes home to find that a squirrel has been munchin pumpkins they sat out in their backyard. Reason you ask? They were fermenting... Surprise Mister Squirrel, you are now DRUNK!!

The City Gift bag wouldn't be complete without the FACTS!

Cheddar cheese that has been ripened for six months is considered “mild.” Seven months to a year of ripening makes “sharp” cheddar, and two years worth of aging yields an “extra sharp” product.

An estimated 15% to 20% of people who receive gift cards never redeem them.
(This is why the City Gift bag is better! Ha!)

In addition to the four known taste sensations (bitter, salty, sour and sweet), some scientists now include a fifth, called “umami,” best represented by the MSG flavoring added to certain foods.

In the Roman Empire, going blonde wasn’t exactly a fashionstatement. At the time, light-color hair was associated with the barbarian women of Gaul and Germany who often ended up as slaves in brothels. Consequently, Roman law required all prostitutes to dye their hair blonde in order to distinguish themselves from “proper,” dark-mane ladies.

Horses and donkeys are of different species. In order to get what we call a “mule,” a horse and donkey must mate and have an offspring. Any offspring between two different species will be sterile and unable to reproduce.

Untill next time....


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